4 proven tips to stop worrying about your business (and turn it around!)



Most business owners worry to a greater or lesser extent.  Excessive worry can seriously impact your self-confidence and your business results. If you would like to change things for the better, here are some tried and tested tips to stop worrying.

As you master these, you will see your confidence being boosted and achieve your business goals and objectives.


1. Be willing to open up to optimism

Focus on the positive! Worry can stem from over-analysing situations and dwelling on past failures.  If you are someone who does over analyse and focus on past set backs, simply  be willing to open up to a new more positive way. A positive mind-frame is powerful: looking forward towards positive futures rather than back can be key in diminishing business stress. Simply set this as an intention.

2. Reassure yourself

Encourage yourself to tackle a business challenge and ask yourself ‘what’s the worst that can happen’? Simply trust that whatever happens, you have the means to handle it. Not only that but you are your business will grow from your new positive outlook.  You may find this spurs you on to accomplish a goal you have been putting off or overcome something that initially seemed intimidating.

3. Try something new

Taking yourself out of your comfort zone can be empowering, and expansive. Achieving a business goal, no matter how small, is a big step in the right direction to overcoming worry. After all, positivity and confidence are the key to feeling good and generating the results you want.

4. Focus on the bigger picture

Focus on the end goal and the bigger picture.  If you become overwhelmed by a business challenge or consumed by a worry; stop. Take a breather, relax and take a minute to put things into perspective. Envision how you would like the situation to go. What is going well for you right now?  What negative thoughts can you let go of?  If a situation isn’t having the outcome you hoped for, it may be something even better is in store for you and your business. Be open to this.  Focus your attention on something positive you can do in the future and capture your learnings. Don’t beat yourself up for worrying: its human and common place.   If you choose to share your worries with those closest to you, you might enjoy the unexpected benefit of closer relationships in your personal life too.

What methods do you use to boost your mood and banish stress? What works for you?

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This article was written by Karen Skehel
