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Want the best business coaching but don’t have a budget for it?

Payment by Results Coaching may be the answer for you.


What is Payment by Results Coaching?

Typical Business Coaching rates are in the order of £250 to £600 per hour, sometimes more. Many clients who have the budget are more than willing to pay as they know how much difference coaching makes to themselves and their businesses.   Not every business can pay this rate, and yet most business owners want to see great results. If you lead or own a business or a business division with high growth potential and you too would like great business coaching, but don’t have the budget to  invest at the level needed to buy top coaching, we may have a solution for you.

With this method, you pay a nominal £50 per session to ensure you have some investment in the programme. Your nominal investment  is there to support the results you get.  After that,  payment is only on a results basis. You pay a percentage of the additional revenue generated (typically 6% on average, but could be more or less depending on the size of your business or division). Whilst the focus of these coaching programmes is on revenue, and the bulk of the time will be devoted to revenue generating coaching,  we will also give you the opportunity to be supported  with your other goals for no additional cost!



Who is it for?

  • Businesses or business divisions with real growth potential.

  • Owners or managers of a business or business division that desire profitable revenue growth and want support in achieving it.

  • Motivated  clients with a strong desire to do what it takes to get results

  • As a guide, you and your business needs to be capable of achieving a minimum of £100,000 additional revenue in the next 12 months.


7 ways “Payment by Results” Coaching can support your business?

  1. We help business owners recognise where real areas of potential profitable revenue growth exist

2.      We help you evaluate the reality of current trading position and examine the organisations achieving the best results

3.      Together we define an achievable potential for the business with a time frame and benchmarks

4.      We identify current stumbling blocks preventing profitable revenue growth

5.      We check to ensure you really desire the highest levels of profitable growth possible

6.      We  work with you for a 24 month period; and give you the option to extend if you wish

7.      Pay only for the results received. No results, no additional payment required.

8.      Its nigh on risk free


 Payment by Results is By Application Only. It is not a fit for every business. If you’d like to apply, and explore whether there is a fit , please get in touch

