Author archive: Karen Skehel

Discover the Principles of Attraction and how it can work for your business

  A reader writes “I have heard that the “principles of attraction” can make work significantly easier, particularly for those in customer service or in business development. Can you tell me more about them and how I can make them work for me?”   There are many ways of being that makes us more attractive, more successful and…

Are you set up for success? Whatever your starting point, here’s how to prepare for business success!

I have personally coached many entrepreneurs at various different stages of business success. Some clients have come to me with a desire to start a business without knowing what that business would be, others have the idea and are yet to get off the starting blocks when it comes to how to be a business…

Did you know you have a saboteur? Get yours handled and your business will move ahead in leaps and bounds!

  A reader writes: I feel I could be achieving so much more in life. I tend to focus on my weaknesses and failures, and have always got reasons why I can’t do something. It’s almost as if I have an internal saboteur holding me back. Help!   Everyone has a saboteur. Its purpose is…

9 proven steps to building self esteem at work

  Mastering the inner game of confidence is key to business success.   Your self esteem, or how you feel about yourself, is one of the most important pathways to enjoyment and positive results in your business AND in your life. More people buy books on building self esteem than any other personal development topic,…

Getting the results when you want them SO much!

  Are you in a place in life where everything is going swimmingly? Or are you not getting the results you want with the ease you would like – either at work or in your personal life? There are strategies with proven results that you can try right now, and start to get different outcomes…

How to find your passion at work (AND watch your business take off!)

  Often clients are not following their “real dream or passion” at work when they come to me, and have a real yearning to find what it is for them. This can apply whether you work for someone else, or you run your own business!   If this sounds familiar to you, read on to…

How to handle difficult people at work (Create more harmony and see your business soar!)

  A difficult person can be defined as someone who is prone to aggressive outbursts, has a tendency to bully, is generally unreasonable often unpredictable, and can be intimidating. Whilst everyone can be difficult at times, a really “difficult person” behaves this way most of the time. They typically show up at work as a…

Proven strategies on how to boost confidence at work AND in your life

  Here are some insights on how to successfully master the inner game and how to boost confidence irrespective of how you may feel about yourself:   A reader writes: “People tell me that I came across as confident, but I just don’t feel that way inside. Can you give me some tips on how…

How to handle set backs (And turn them into catalysts for success)

Most of us face set backs: We don’t get the date we want, the job we want, someone is unkind to us or we have to face some other disappointment.  It is how we handle set backs that determine the success in our life.   Here are some ways to learn how to get motivated and…

5 easy ways to turning your best business ideas into reality

  In order to turn your ideas into reality, you will need to have a greater drive, desire and/or incentive to make it happen than to maintain the status quo. Ask yourself how others will benefit from this idea? Include those who will directly benefit those around you as well as yourself. Bring your idea…
